Out of Place & Out of Sorts (OP&OS) is a fanfic story I wrote on Ao3, and I turned into a Demo VN.

The only thing I know is working is the main game, don't bother with the Save and Load functions... or the Gallery for that matter, that's all just there for now. ¬_¬
This is the first game I've ever made so if you think it seems shoddily made, there ya go. XD

The subject matter is a bit... morally dubious, so you have been warned to brace yourself if you want to digest the rest of the story. XD

But if you like what you see here I might continue developing the full game for the story's first arc.

I'd like to thank JakeBowkett on DeviantArt whose art helped inspire one of the backgrounds in this game (Specifically the Ryukyu one)

If you want to find more of my stuff (Be warned it's mostly just the OP&OS fanfic.) and buy me a supportive coffee—or whatever heck it is people say instead of making sense—check out my Patreon :

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